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Push-to-talk over Cellular / LTE

Cellular networks such as public and private LTE are at the heart of many state-of-the-art communications environments. So is the Instant Connect Enterprise™ (ICE) platform.

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LTE – a key building block in today's interoperable communications

The Instant Connect Enterprise (ICE) platform supports push-to-Talk (PTT) and other voice and data-rich communications services over cellular networks including public and private LTE. LTE's inherent voice and data coverage offers far greater benefits than traditional radio and land mobile radio systems, typically limited to voice only. The concept of PTT over cellular (PoC) was introduced as a commercially-available technology in the 1990s as an alternative to two-way radios. Today, push-to-talk over LTE uses the modern cellular infrastructure of Mobile Network Operators to provide broad, reliable coverage.

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