Instant Connect push-to-talk connects oil and gas teams across departments, organizations, and geographies. Welcome to the future of voice for today's remote, hybrid workers.
Natural resource operations typically span an array of disciplines, organizations, and legal entities. A complex chain of collaboration is required to extract, transport, store, refine, and deliver finished energy products to end consumers. The safety and efficiency of the entire process is hindered by gaps in communication and slow responses to incidents at any point along this chain.
Instant Connect is a unified voice communications environment that connects teams across virtually any device, operating system, and network—radio, LTE/5G, Wi-Fi, IP, and telephony. From the rigs and fields to the refineries and storage facilities to the delivery vehicles, our push-to-talk platform keeps disparate workforces connected and talking so they can coordinate each stage of energy production better.
Our Smart Talk Groups™ enhance communications and incident response in remote, hazardous, and dynamic environments. They can be triggered by IoT devices, systems, scheduled workflows, Smart Geofences™, and more to automatically create talk channels on the fly. The result is increased situational awareness, allowing organizations to improve worker safety, drive productivity for high-value tasks, and accelerate responses to any incident.
Smart Talk GroupsBetter protect workers and infrastructure
Manage and maintain assets smarter
Enhance team-based productivity
Help meet stringent ESG requirements
Learn more about the world's first serverless voice platform—optimized for remote usage.
The ICE voice platform can help operations reduce the risks and costs associated with energy delivery across the value chain.
Save money and remove the need for your workers to carry multiple devices on the job.
Leverage lean resources. Connect employees and contingent workers—no matter who is on call at any given moment.
Augment or replace existing radio infrastructure. Reduce or eliminate device and maintenance costs.
An IoT alert indicates rising pressure in a pipeline crossing a large oilfield.
ICE automatically creates a talk group connecting the nearest maintenance crew with a supervisor and remote command center monitoring the situation.
The team is immediately redirected to the location of the sensor that triggered the alarm and rapidly resolves the situation.
Instant Connect extends the reach of radio systems by allowing them to communicate with other radios, as well as with smartphones, IP phones, laptops, headsets, barcode readers—any voice-enabled device. Or, if you want to move beyond radio, we can put you on the path to full radio replacement. The choice is yours.
Learn more about PTT interoperabilityContact us or download our eBook to learn how Instant Connect can help reduce gaps in communications and accelerate incident response.