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eBook: Dynamic Frontline Communications

Download our complimentary eBook below to discover how today's frontline teams use Instant Connect to increase worker safety and productivity.

“Companies that would benefit from creating dynamic talk groups to complete a specific task or mission … should evaluate Instant Connect.”    — Gartner Research, Cool Vendors in Frontline Worker Technologies, 2021

Instant Connect named a 2021 Gartner Cool Vendor.

Instant Connect’s software platform unlocks a new breed of data-rich voice communications called Dynamic Frontline Communications™ (learn more). That’s why we were named a 2021 Gartner Cool Vendor in Frontline Worker Technologies.

Simply, smarter.

The platform creates a unified communications environment that is powered by automation and works across virtually any device or network. Think of it as a communications genius on the frontlines: data-driven and designed for the mission of your enterprise.

Download our eBook for more on why frontline teams are choosing Instant Connect’s automated talk groups to enhance their voice communications.
